The difficulties of small and medium-sized school classroom lighting in where

by:Mylight     2021-01-24
Although many local administrative departments and schools have to act on the transformation of middle and primary school classroom, but promote the advance situation and popularity is far from expected. Deputies to the national 'two sessions' has put forward some proposals about the classroom of primary and secondary schools, their vision is good, but still to have the certain time and space distance. Where is the difficulties of the middle and primary school classroom reform to promote? First there is the primary and middle schools classroom led lighting and health standard parts lag behind the development of the industry. Current of the primary and middle schools classroom led lighting and hygiene standards or edition in 2010, ten years, there are too many too important breakthroughs in technologies such as, and still is bound to cause the classroom of primary and secondary schools according to the requirements of the health standard to transform the backward situation. On the part of the second classroom health awareness is not enough. In terms of the school, student achievement to the attention of a natural focus more than the classroom. As to health, would seem to be melodramatic, seem to be teaching related equipment update demand is far greater than the classroom, so the classroom of primary and secondary schools can change nature is slow is slow. Third, the primary and secondary school classroom reform is still a problem that the cost of the total. Especially the high-end health equipment, if combined with intelligent, I'm afraid no region of the education administrative department may let all schools one pace reachs the designated position. The above is the 'where is the difficult point of the primary and middle schools classroom reform' in detail, hope to help you!
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