LED the how to install the blackboard lamp that shield an eye is more effective

by:Mylight     2021-02-10
LED the blackboard lamp that shield an eye at the time of installation, is not to say that we would like to how to install the how to install, the installation time also have some special skills, such as at the time of installation, two light gap, lamp wattage and so on, these are all need to pay special attention to, has LED the blackboard lamp that shield an eye installation related matters, then make a brief introduction for you. 1, the gap when we install the LED lights when the blackboard lamp that shield an eye, in terms of lamp installation clearance need to keep a certain distance and on the distance requirement is to have cultured, distance shoulds not be too long, of course also shoulds not be too short distance between the two, in a word, to grasp the related distance measure is ok, in the clearance of peer needs to perform in accordance with the relevant standards. 2, lamp wattage on lamp wattage requirement, is unfavorable and exorbitant, if the wattage is too high, it is easy to cause a kind of light reflection, so do not have a very good effect, the reflection of lamplight, it is easy to cause dazzling phenomenon, so when the children are looking at the blackboard due to the light reflection, students cannot see the words on the blackboard. In blackboard lamp installation process, especially should focus on is in the gap and lamp wattage of lamp has strict request, again during this period, the gap for the lamp and lamp wattage respect should notice, prevent installed led lighting equipment can't meet the demand of normal students, as a result, with no installation is no different. The classroom design of the overall planning and installation, are generally operated by some professional personnel, in the process of operation, usually encountered in details of one sort or another problem, problem is these details, we need to overcome in the process. The above is the 'LED the how to install the blackboard lamp that shield an eye more significant effect' in detail, hope to help you!
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