LED eye classroom light intensity of illumination evenness of how to define

by:Mylight     2021-02-11
We know that the standard provisions of the state: the school classroom desks should not be lower than the average illuminance below 300 lx, intensity of illumination uniformity should not be lower than 0. 7. Then LED eye classroom light produced by the homogeneous degree of the light environment is how to define? Now as to find out together! What is a intensity of illumination uniformity? Intensity of illumination uniformity refers to the small intensity of illumination and the ratio of the average illuminance. Calculation formula is the intensity of illumination evenness = small illuminance value/average illuminance value. If the average illuminance is 300 lx, and then the intensity of illumination should not be less than 210 lx. It is important to note here: 1, the intensity of illumination evenness is refers to the small intensity of illumination and the ratio of the average illuminance, not with the ratio of intensity of illumination, nor with the ratio of other illumination. 2, intensity of illumination uniformity is refers to the small intensity of illumination and the ratio of the average illuminance on the desk, rather than other points of illuminance in the classroom and the ratio of the average illuminance. So LED eye classroom light generated by the light of the classroom environment, intensity of illumination to an average of more than 300 lx, small intensity of illumination of the desk and the actual ratio of not less than 70%, the average illuminance on the this is the ideal intensity of illumination evenness. The light distribution more uniform illumination, the better, feeling more comfortable, intensity of illumination evenness as close to 1 as possible; Whereas the smaller increase visual fatigue, the school classroom desks illumination uniformity cannot be lower than 0. 7. Above is the 'LED eye classroom light intensity of illumination uniformity how to define' detailed introduction, hope to help you!
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