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You can call our customer service team. The detailed contact information is available on the Contact Us page. You can track an order, make a payment, Arrange a visit, update your details and far more readily through Customer Service.
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FOSHAN MYLIGHT TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. has been solidly focusing on the business of led lights for computer desk. We constantly innovate our technology and improve our product competitiveness, and as a result, we gradually become one of the industry leaders. MYLIGHT provides a wide range of led wall light for customers. Mylight table and desk lamps is dyed with an accurate combination of pressure, temperature and time. Through this process, its color effect is satisfactory. Sending out a simple yet elegant feeling, it is a perfect modern decor. The product is energy efficient. When it is not in use, it will automatically turn off to help minimize power consumption. Unlike glass bulb lamp types, it is durable and shockproof.
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In order to deal with the changing future, Mylight will need to assess the situation timely. Inquire online!

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